
Find out how to make Foam work for you!

Elastic timeline

Zoom in and out on any time frame while scrolling through the past or into the future.

Filter your view of the timeline

View everything on a single timeline, or click to see lines organized by media type, tag, or creator.

Embed a timeline on your website

Let visitors browse and interact with timeline content without leaving your site.

Search, tag, and highlight items

Easily locate, identify, and highlight the most important items on your timeline.

Add any media

Drag-and-drop multiple images, videos, or PDFs. Create notes, paste links, or import files from Google Drive.

Chrome extension

Save links effortlessly with the Foam Capture extension.

Invite others to collaborate

Share a simple link to let anyone contribute their own content to the timeline.

Let anyone view your timeline

With a view-only link, you can share your work with anyone.

Tag cloud

See the most frequently used tags in your bubble, and select one or more to filter your view of the timeline.


Bring together a collection of timeline items, add some text, and save your work as a story. Use any combination of media to create as many stories as you want.