Bring your story to life
Create beautiful interactive timelines using any kind of digital media.

What is Foam?
Foam is made up of spaces we call bubbles, where links, documents, images, or videos can be collected and understood in the context of easy-to use, interactive timelines.

Why Foam?
Foam brings a unique perspective to any type of digital media that can be displayed on a timeline, with features that support narrative and visual storytelling.

Who is Foam for?
Foam is for storytellers of all kinds — historians, teachers, journalists, and more. It's built for anyone who needs to collect and navigate information that unfolds over time.

Foam is for publishers
Feature a timeline of any story published on your website
- Support a traditional narrative with a collection of links, images, videos, and more displayed across an interactive timeline.
- Embed a timeline directly within a story to let your readers interact with the content without ever leaving your website.
- Highlight selected items to help readers understand key moments in a sequence of events.
- Create tags to categorize and easily search your bubble content.

Foam is for journalists
Let readers immediately grasp the key elements of a story, then deep-dive into the details
- Use any combination of images, videos, documents, or links to enhance a simple text-based story.
- Highlight timeline items to help your audience visualize key moments at a glance.
- Post sources on a timeline to let readers explore the research behind your story.
- Embed a timeline to create an interactive experience that blends seamlessly into a narrative flow.

Foam is for museums
Showcase a historical collection on Foam's elastic timeline
- Use Foam’s elastic timeline to let visitors view, navigate, and search a collection or exhibition on an elastic timeline.
- Create tags to let visitors filter their view by artist, period, medium, or other criteria.
- Design multiple timelines within a bubble focusing on specific themes, artists, or historical eras.

Foam is for cities
Reimagine a historical archive as an interactive timeline
- Make it easy to explore history by adding images, documents, and more to an interactive timeline.
- Tag important events, people, and places — or create your own categories.
- Publish a link or embed your timeline on a webpage about your city’s history.

Foam is for teachers
Help your students understand and visualize the arc of history
- Highlight significant events, people, or ideas in the context of an interactive timeline.
- Showcase a wide variety of media, including documents, images, videos, links, and more.
- Use tags to help students identify recurring themes over time.
- Create timelines for teaching, or let students create and share their own.

Foam is for people
Use a timeline to tell the story of a life
- Collect and save important documents, images, videos, links, and more.
- Use tags to identify recurring characters or themes.
- Highlight items to showcase significant moments in the story of a life.
- Share a link to let anyone view and interact with your timeline.

Foam is for companies
Document and share your organization's history
- Keep track of handy documents and media — PDFs, Google Docs, videos, and more.
- Share and invite team members to contribute to your bubble.
- Filter your timeline by item type, tag, or contributing employee.
- Embed a timeline to tell your story on a public-facing website.